Publish and Archive

Let’s think about the future…

Will this repository still be here in five years?

Will my account?

Will GitHub?

Archiving the project


Zenodo has a sandbox environment!

  • Not the main data repository, but still functional.
  • You will get an actual DOI, and your project will (probably?) not be deleted!
  • Only do this following exercise if you are OK with your code staying online!
  • You will not be able to do this with a private repository.

Zenodo and Github have a pipeline that makes your life easier! (Check the full how-to on GitHub.)

Your turn:

  • Go to:, and log in with GitHub. (If you do not have GitHub, simply sign up for a zenodo account; some of the coming steps you will need to do manually…)
  • GitHub will then ask permission to give Zenodo access; click “Authorize application”.

Select your repository


Release your project!


… and follow the workflow!

Semantic versioning

A version has three numbers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

  • MAJOR version denotes changes that alter the compatibility (i.e. someone using your functions may need to change their use for their code to still work),
  • MINOR version adds functionality, but remains compatible
  • PATCH version makes (compatible) bug fixes.

(If your bug fix changes compatibility, it is therefore a MAJOR version change!)

You can release today with v0.1.0

Check zenodo

Your code is now uploading to Zenodo: you can check it under the ‘upload’ tab:


Getting your DOI

  • Add some final descriptions
  • Click ‘publish’
  • Voilá!


Getting your DOI

Do you know your DOI?

As a final touch (only with real Zenodo!): you can take your DOI and place it as a badge at the top of your README.


This is not recommended with a Sandbox DOI, because sandbox projects are not permanent. The Sandbox DOI will not work like a normal one does!